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Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Ahaves Chinam an even better Organization that furthers the Message of Moshiach. How would your donation be used? Currently, the following areas of need that you would be contributing to...

- Helping us be able to fund the community we are building (and your can join if in the area) with things such as what we need such as a library  of resources for students of our Rebbe, holidays observances, shabbos table meals, etc. 

- Supporting Torah learning and discipleship program of our rebbe, etc. 

Current Classes via Zoom

All times listed are CST time (Chicago) ​

e-mail for zoom link


  • 13 Principles of faith class - Sundays 2pm

  • Niddah Class for Women - TBA  (email and we can do one on one as well - membership requiredl)

  • Weekly Torah class  - Sundays 10am

  • If you have something you want taught please let us know 

Get Involved: Service

We are looking for 2-4 Orthodox Messianic families to join our community to assist in setting it up. We are currently looking for those who would be interested in joining our community. You might be interested if...

1) You desire to know what it means to be a disciple of Yeshua our Master and Rebbe. 

2) You desire to understand the Torah and the Scripture within the framework of traditional Jewish understanding.

3) You are searching for a place to belong, grow in your faith, or are simply searching for the truth. If you feel alone and desire to learn...please contact us. 

  • What is the Goal of Ahavas Chinam?
    1) We want to present the real Yeshua as Moshiach ben yosef and our rabbi. We want the misunderstandings that orthodox have about him to be defeated 2) Build communities that support orthodox observants and give a place for orthodox to come to learn yet stay true to the jewish faith. 3) Teach Messianic and Christian people/congregations about the real and the misunderstands that they may have about him on the christian side of things. 4) help people (jews and non-jews) to defend their faith against the lies that the anti-missionaries are saying about Yeshua and his followers. We are currently working on a paid online course so people who have faith in Yeshua can know how to answer these lies.
  • How can an Orthodox Jew believe in Yeshua as Moshiach?
    Well, he first understand Yeshua is the correct light. Sadly, due to history, misunderstand and just lack of information, many Orthodox and Jews in general don't have the real picture. Certainly anti-missionaries like tp paint him very poorly and as an idol because of Christian teachings, etc. If you look at want Yeshua says though, a Jew can see that he thigh faith in. the One G-d Hashem and showed himself as the Moshaich ben Yosef. We have often had conversations with orthodox who had the completely wrong idea because of the fact they never read what Yeshua taught and said or have heard the lies of the ant-missionaries. Once they sit down and study with us, often they completely change their minds about who Yeshua is. Through our work, we support many a select believer within the orthodox community and encourage them to stay observant, staying true to Jewish traditions as well as their faith in Yeshua.
  • Does Ahavas Chinam have a Rabbi?
    We currently do not have a rabbi as we hold that to have that title, one should have a proper orthodox smicha. We do teach from orthodox sources and have rabbis who we can suggest for you to get in touch with that are friendly to those in the faith.
  • Can Ahavas Chinam do conversions?
    No, we cannot perform conversions. If you are interested in converting, we have a rabbi we can put you in touch with but only for those that have moved here and have shown that they are willing to be orthodox in observance. With that said, we DO NOT encourage gentiles/non-jews to convert as must be a calling and only very few have that calling. We hold to the scriptures when it says that one should be content with how G-d made him/her. G-d loves all people and both Jew and Non-jew are loved by G-d and all need Yeshua. Our identity is in Yeshua first and foremost.
  • What is your view of the Oral Torah?
    We hold as Traditional Orthodox Judisam does, that the Oral Torah comes from Moshe, given by HaShem at the time of the written Torah. With that said, we understand that there is a LOT of misconceptions regarding the Oral Law, what it is and what it is not. Many believers in Yeshua mistakenly think that the oral law can not exist beside faith in Yeshua, we would disagree wit this view. We hold that Yeshua, as a rabbi of the 1st century and through the way he conducted himself, was living according to the Rabbinical understandings of his day. The places that he has disagreements is when he is speaking with another pharisaical group, as there were two primary groups - those of Hillel and those of Shami. Often the only way to tell which he is talking to is to know the background information of how thi=ese two group held, which most believes do not have that background. This leads to the mistaken view of Yeshua being against the pharisees though it often is an "in house" discussion, which if you read the Talmud, you will see rabbis debating varieties opinions on one topic. However, we also want to make clear that though we hold to the Oral law, this doesn't mean we cannot work with those who do not hold like us. We have the common ground when it comes to Yeshua bring Moshaich (Messiah). We certainly have the common ground that we want all Jewish people to know Yeshua and to present him in such a way to show his Messiahship.
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The views and positions expressed on this site are not necessarily the views and positions held by Ahavas Chinam. Each blog is the view of the author himself/herself.

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